Our plants

The Garden Industry is now, more so than ever before, about new plant introductions, colour pots and large pictorial labels. The ideal plant for selling will look great in a pot and take less than a year to get to market.

New plants can be good garden doers but no guarantees! Our focus is rather on the proven performers that in some cases have become more difficult to source. Many of these invaluable garden plants don't look great in a pot but would be difficult not to notice in the garden.

You will note that some plants have the letters 'AGM' at the end. This is because they have been awarded the very prestigious Award of Garden Merit by the Royal Horticulture Society after being recognised as being great garden performers.

The majority of our plants are grown in Planter Bag PB3. The 3 stands for the old imperial measure of volume - the pint. Hence a PB3 holds 3 pints of potting mix which is 1.8L.

Most of the plants we are growing in the nursery can be viewed in our garden which we are finding is helpful to some of our visitors.

Our growing conditions are tough. We do not cover our plants during the winter months but rather grow them in our open space nursery. This has been a trial this considerably wet winter we confess, but it does make our plants tough and adjusted to the local growing conditions.

During the hotter months our garden can be very dry so therefore we have a strong focus on plants that tolerate dry conditions. One reason for including Camellias to such an extent in our borders, is that they are very tolerant of dry conditions once established. Not only that, but they provide winter food for our nectar feeding friends and the evergreen nature of the Camellia provides great form to any garden. They are also useful for screening and hedging.

The range of plants that we have on sale at any one time obviously depends on the season. We may not have available what you are looking for but don't hesitate to enquire as it may not be far off. We are propagating our perennials all the time.

Finally, we have compiled a list of the plants that we are growing this season and this is available upon request. We are happy to email it to you.

Please go to our Available Now page to see some of what is currently for sale.

Our contact details are HERE.

We think texture is just as important as flowering.